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The most important person for me is here !!!

Name :
Laksana Tri Handoko
(but everyone calls my nickname, Koko).
You can see my face :
in AMTRAK station in DC (1992)
in Peace Love Matsuri (August 1995)
Eating 'nagashi shoumen' in Shodoushima (12th SSI, 1996)
in Miyajima (August 1996)
my beloved Arsya (2001) and Hania (2010)

Birthday :

May 7, 1968 (Taurus)
I was born in a small but nice city, Lawang which is located in Malang Perfecture in East Java. The capital of East Java State is Surabaya that is second to Jakarta in size, population and commerce. I recommend you to go there.

My parents and sisters (1987)

Others :

As completing the High School, I went to study to Japan as a fellowship student of Indonesian Government under the Fourth Overseas Fellowship Program (OFP-IV). The program was organized by Indonesian Ministry of Research & Technology (MENRISTEK) and carried by Badan Pengkajian & Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT). Coincidently, I had been attached to Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) in Jakarta from 1993. Then I have been attached again to R&D Center for Applied Physics ( Fisika LIPI) in PUSPITEK Serpong until now. Now, I stay at the institute as a permanent staff and conduct a research on theoretical physics. Since January 1st, 2001 the institute has been restructured and changed to be the Research Center for Physics.

You can see me and my friends here : OFP-IV (1987), Elementary Particle Physics Lab. (1996), 12th SSI (1996).

[Highs School] [Junior High School] [Elementary School] [Kindergaten]